A timeless irreverent elegance.
All the fire within me in one single execution, an opportunity granted to me unknowingly.
I thank the divine because now it’s here, to persuade me of its eternal beauty.

The concept of: strength in unity.
A metaphor, an illustration of good winning over bad.
Them, in love and carefree that turn their backs on envy, critics and the unhappiness from the inability to love.

You talk and talk but don’t act
You flaunt the knowledge of others without having scars on your skin.
Such a cursed era of absolute truths, recipes on Giallo Zafferano, tutorials on YouTube, and Gurus taken too seriously…
Too few questions and too many answers.
Who knows if we still have the willingness to make mistakes and trywith the fear of failing again again.
Will we still have the gift of communicating to our kids wisely?
Will we still let instinct and improvisation coexist?
Will we still throw our hopes into a suitcase?

Happiness is a state of being enjoying a gentle mental condition, so long as the individual can enjoy the present.
But happiness is ephemeral like a match.
It will, forever, be an interior dilemma, that will always torment the subjectivity of being happy or sad.

Whilst you let yourself be dragged along by the crowd or by the underground towards a destination fuelled by your ambitions, you deduce you have become a number manipulated by puppeteers that necessitate to organise society in watertight compartments, so that the rich gets richer speculating on the everyday life of the poor.
All rather depressing, unless, you don’t decide to rip apart those thin wires and conduct your own show.

I’d like to still be able to drink gin and tonic one next to the other and step away from reality.
To enjoy a roasted corn on the cob,
washing out my consciousness from impurities to start again from scratch and relive certain experiences with more foresight.
To sleep without dreaming. To count ‘till 9…
The truth is, Jim Carrey never managed to escape the character of Truman.
We all felt like Truman, at least once.
Therefore, can we blame him?

The sun that you see, is not the one that they see.
What they don’t get is that light becomes just as annoying as people’s voices.
To sleep even when deep inside you’re not really tired.
Now that, the glass, more than half empty is half broken.

I wonder how much, a wedding ring, could change two young lovers’ bond.
Is it truly wedding, the perfect enthronement that establishes an eternal and evergreen future?

It’s established, that daily industrial production, dramatically covers twice the world’s population.
You made us feel like social outcasts if we hadn’t painted our lungs black.
Now, you print horrific images and in England contraband has arisen as a consequence of a ridiculous price rise.
Are you hoping to make people stop or to just clear your conscience?

Our video call is never long enough.
I’m an introvert and I never say it.
I miss you.

The gold of the twenty-first century is them.

Let's enjoy the fascination of paper for a few more years, because even the "free" ruler will no longer be able to counteract the total dominance of digitalisation.

When trust has difficulty taking refuge in your shadow, everything is irreversibly crumpled regardless.
You mistake a handshake for a threat, a hug for a lie and sentimentality for an enemy.

What happened to the rest of the goldfish…
And they also talked well about Calimero to me.
Did you know that... ?

The penguin seems to be a comical animal but elegant in its nature.
The man seems to be an elegant animal but comical when bad natured.

I waited for you to walk by and together we gave meaning to this photograph.

Then things changed, from discriminating “the foreigner” to being “the foreigner”.
I then quickly learned that to live well in this country, I had to change my attitude and open my mind to everything that’s unconventional and unusual to my culture.
It’s been a real journey and, to date, I wouldn’t be able to grow and evolve with people that have the same habits and way of thinking; I need inspiration, the unusual, spiciness and array of colours.

The first meaningful loss at an impressionable age, where you get distressed about a ball hitting a crossbar.
Too innocent to justify that infamous gesture!
But then you become taller and you notice how a fragrant garden, may precede the animal instinct of a merely naive living being in its authenticity.
There’s no court to their defence but it stays a failure in your intent, because you can’t turn off the love of a stray soul that found its home.
Integration is a sublime theme and, in Europe, London is the advocate.
I would recommend to have a tour, during peak hours, in the main streets of the English capital.
It’s palpable of how immigrants are well mannered, disciplined and full of ambition.
I fail to see how, planning a controlled immigration, could get misinterpreted as fascist sovereignty or racism, while crime and unemployment are a direct consequence of poor integration.

The way those seven people, simultaneously got out of their way, to help the unfortunate tourist from those unforgiving doors that don’t leave space for the late comers and their luggage.
One of the many scenes of collaboration and complicity that you can often witness in this city, as if, by clenching our teeth and holding hands, we would all go in the same direction.

I love the immortality and the total lawlessness in this photographic genre.
It gives me that right amount of thrill and adrenaline rush that enables me to pack up and leave the house.

I stumbled onto the homepage, through all those bright icons, that seem to want to keep you company.
You used to laugh when you saw others slip on it like they do on bananas.
You fell too.
We are all falling.

Live in the present, plan the future and learn from the past.
It’s difficult to build a castle without a king.
I try to build it anyways, making mistakes, getting frustrated, I swallow the lump in my throat and I am inspired by cities.

I will freeze this process of nihilistic self-destruction with ink on skin.
I will ensure when the day comes that humanity treats humanity as they do planet Earth, I can still anchor myself to tangible values by exorcising this unstoppable robotic perfectionism.

If I think again about how many young and empty glances I came across on the streets, I get goosebumps.
I wonder where these people’s families are, where they find money for heroin, where they hide dignity and where they find the strength…
Know that for every glance willingly avoided, for every coin not given, it’s just for a disability that I wish you to take back control of your life, to face up to this society that often deprives us of emotions.

Don’t plan too much, don’t exclude anything.
It happens that, when a city starts to resemble an anthill, you don’t even know the name of your flatmate.
Casualty and destiny take centre stage.
The streets you walk, the pubs you frequent, the glances you cross, the workplaces you change, can drastically decide the fate of your life. Good luck!

The beginning of an absent period, dark lights and foggy thoughts.
The need to communicate an emotional state to a grey world.
The strategy of those who don’t react to a phony era.
To use the essence of a moment that could become history.
The noise of those who don’t write with a pen.

In the hysteric age of marketing and capitalism, the cinema’s longevity is suffering the most.
For years, I haven’t seen a movie that makes me stare at the wall throughout the credits .
It seems that it’s become a money run without consideration of how much they would stick into the hearts and memories of people.
Cinematography is the colosseum of all the arts and it is the source of inspiration for all of us.
Hopefully the business side of it will set over the devote sunrise of eternity.
In the meantime I enjoy ”Tennessee”, point my finger to the stars and close my eyes thinking about Evelyn, Rafe and Danny.

The street is not only asphalt !
Street means: glances, graffiti, sirens, banquets, smog, garbage, dogs, cats, foxes, stenches, perfumes and blood.
The street includes everything that becomes unpredictable when observed.
And with a pinch of romanticism and in its fascinating creative process, popcorn is part of that too.